For Princeton Undergraduate Senior Theses Advised by Professor Bou-Zeid, click here Search AuthorTitleTypeYear ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Applied Filters: First Letter Of Title: C Reset 15 Publications C Shapiro A, Anderson W, Mironov D, Bou-Zeid E, Grachev A. 2023. Celebrating the Career of Evgeni Fedorovich: Explorer of the Boundary-Layer Realm and Ambassador for the Community. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 189:1–3. doi:10.1007/s10546-023-00828-8. Referenced from Celebrating the Career of Evgeni Fedorovich: Explorer of the Boundary-Layer Realm and Ambassador for the Community. Bou-Zeid E. 2014. Challenging the large eddy simulation technique with advanced a posteriori tests. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 764:1–4. doi:10.1017/jfm.2014.616. Referenced from Challenging the large eddy simulation technique with advanced a posteriori tests. Bou-Zeid E, El-Fadel M. 2002. Climate change and water resources in Lebanon and the Middle East. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 128:343–355. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9496(2002)128:5(343). Referenced from Climate change and water resources in Lebanon and the Middle East. El-Fadel M, Bou-Zeid E. 2003. Climate change and water resources in the Middle East: Vulnerability, socio-economic impacts and adaptation. :53–74. Parolari A, Li D, Bou-Zeid E, Katul G, Assouline S. 2016. Climate, not conflict, explains extreme Middle East dust storm. Environmental Research Letters. 11. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/11/11/114013. Referenced from Climate, not conflict, explains extreme Middle East dust storm. Li D, Bou-Zeid E. 2011. Coherent structures and the dissimilarity of turbulent transport of momentum and scalars in the unstable Atmospheric surface layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 140:243–262. doi:10.1007/s10546-011-9613-5. Referenced from Coherent structures and the dissimilarity of turbulent transport of momentum and scalars in the unstable Atmospheric surface layer. Gideon R, Bou-Zeid E. 2021. Collocating offshore wind and wave generators to reduce power output variability: A Multi-site analysis. Renewable Energy. 163:1548–1559. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2020.09.047. Referenced from Collocating offshore wind and wave generators to reduce power output variability: A Multi-site analysis. Wang Z-H, Bou-Zeid E. 2011. Comment on "impact of wave phase difference between soil surface heat flux and soil surface temperature on soil surface energy balance closure" by Z. Gao, R. Horton, and H. P. Liu. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 116. doi:10.1029/2010JD015365. Referenced from Comment on "impact of wave phase difference between soil surface heat flux and soil surface temperature on soil surface energy balance closure" by Z. Gao, R. Horton, and H. P. Liu. Bradshaw J, Bou-Zeid E, Harris R. 2014. Comparing the effectiveness of weatherization treatments for low-income, American, urban housing stocks in different climates. Energy and Buildings. 69:535–543. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2013.11.035. Referenced from Comparing the effectiveness of weatherization treatments for low-income, American, urban housing stocks in different climates. Bou-Zeid E, Meneveau C, Parlange M. 2004. Comparison of four Eddy-viscosity SGS models in large-eddy simulation of flows over rough walls. Vol. 2 A. pp. 279–289. Referenced from Comparison of four Eddy-viscosity SGS models in large-eddy simulation of flows over rough walls. Li Q, Bou-Zeid E. 2019. Contrasts between momentum and scalar transport over very rough surfaces. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 880:32–58. doi:10.1017/jfm.2019.687. Referenced from Contrasts between momentum and scalar transport over very rough surfaces. Ramamurthy P, Bou-Zeid E. 2014. Contribution of impervious surfaces to urban evaporation. Water Resources Research. 50:2889–2902. doi:10.1002/2013WR013909. Referenced from Contribution of impervious surfaces to urban evaporation. Momen M, Bou-Zeid E. 2017. Corrigendum: Large-eddy simulations and damped-oscillator models of the unsteady Ekman boundary layer. [J. Atmos. Sci., 73, (2016), 25-40] doi: 10.1175/JAS-D-15-0038.1. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 74:3491–3491. doi:10.1175/JAS-D-17-0209.1. Referenced from Corrigendum: Large-eddy simulations and damped-oscillator models of the unsteady Ekman boundary layer. [J. Atmos. Sci., 73, (2016), 25-40] doi: 10.1175/JAS-D-15-0038.1. Wang Z-H, Bou-Zeid E, Smith J. 2013. A coupled energy transport and hydrological model for urban canopies evaluated using a wireless sensor network. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 139:1643–1657. doi:10.1002/qj.2032. Referenced from A coupled energy transport and hydrological model for urban canopies evaluated using a wireless sensor network. Freire L, Chamecki M, Bou-Zeid E, Dias N. 2019. Critical flux Richardson number for Kolmogorov turbulence enabled by TKE transport. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 145:1551–1558. doi:10.1002/qj.3511. Referenced from Critical flux Richardson number for Kolmogorov turbulence enabled by TKE transport. View on Google Scholar