For Princeton Undergraduate Senior Theses Advised by Professor Bou-Zeid, click here
178 Publications
Conference Paper
Bou-Zeid E, Meneveau C, Parlange M. 2004. Comparison of four Eddy-viscosity SGS models in large-eddy simulation of flows over rough walls. Vol. 2 A. pp. 279–289. Referenced from Comparison of four Eddy-viscosity SGS models in large-eddy simulation of flows over rough walls.
Bou-Zeid E, Meneveau C, Parlange M. 2004. Applications of the lagrangian dynamic model in LES of turbulent flow over surfaces with heterogeneous roughness distributions. Vol. 2 A. pp. 291–298. Referenced from Applications of the lagrangian dynamic model in LES of turbulent flow over surfaces with heterogeneous roughness distributions.
Bou-Zeid E, Huwald H, Lemmin U, Selker J, Meneveau C, Parlange M. 2007. Atmospheric surface layer turbulence over water surfaces and sub-grid scale physics. pp. 517–519. Referenced from Atmospheric surface layer turbulence over water surfaces and sub-grid scale physics.
Parlange M, Bou-Zeid E, Huwald H, Chainecki M, Meneveau C. 2007. SNOHATS: Stratified atmospheric turbulence over snow surfaces. pp. 520–522. Referenced from SNOHATS: Stratified atmospheric turbulence over snow surfaces.
Wang E, Smith C, So S, Bou-Zeid E, Wysocki G. 2011. Wireless sensor networks for monitoring of atmospheric chemicals. Referenced from Wireless sensor networks for monitoring of atmospheric chemicals.
Teitelbaum E, Meggers F, Scherer G, Ramamurthy P, Wang L, Bou-Zeid E. 2015. ECCENTRIC buildings: Evaporative cooling in constructed envelopes by transmission and retention inside casings of buildings. Vol. 78. pp. 1593–1598. Referenced from ECCENTRIC buildings: Evaporative cooling in constructed envelopes by transmission and retention inside casings of buildings.
Choi B, Pozzi M, Bergés M, Bou-Zeid E. 2021. Developing time-variant filter for meso-scale surface temperature prediction. pp. 59–65.
Gerges F, Boufadel M, Bou-Zeid E, Nassif H, Wang J. 2022. A Novel Bayesian Deep Learning Approach to the Downscaling of Wind Speed with Uncertainty Quantification. Vol. 13282 LNAI. pp. 55–66. Referenced from A Novel Bayesian Deep Learning Approach to the Downscaling of Wind Speed with Uncertainty Quantification.
Gerges F, Boufadel M, Bou-Zeid E, Nassif H, Wang J. 2022. A Novel Deep Learning Approach to the Statistical Downscaling of Temperatures for Monitoring Climate Change. pp. 1–7. Referenced from A Novel Deep Learning Approach to the Statistical Downscaling of Temperatures for Monitoring Climate Change.
Gerges F, Boufadel M, Bou-Zeid E, Nassif H, Wang J. 2023. Deep Learning-Enabled Prediction of Daily Solar Irradiance from Simulated Climate Data. pp. 102–109. Referenced from Deep Learning-Enabled Prediction of Daily Solar Irradiance from Simulated Climate Data.
Gerges F, Boufadel M, Bou-Zeid E, Darekar A, Nassif H, Wang J. 2023. Bayesian Multi-head Convolutional Neural Networks with Bahdanau Attention for Forecasting Daily Precipitation in Climate Change Monitoring. Vol. 13717 LNAI. pp. 565–580. Referenced from Bayesian Multi-head Convolutional Neural Networks with Bahdanau Attention for Forecasting Daily Precipitation in Climate Change Monitoring.
Chiatti C, Fabiani C, Bou-Zeid E, Pisello A. 2024. Evaluating the potential of persistent luminescence in counteracting urban overheating. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 2685. Institute of Physics. Referenced from Evaluating the potential of persistent luminescence in counteracting urban overheating.
Journal Article
El-Fadel M, Bou-Zeid E. 1999. Transportation GHG emissions in developing countries. The case of Lebanon. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 4:251–264. doi:10.1016/S1361-9209(99)00008-5. Referenced from Transportation GHG emissions in developing countries. The case of Lebanon.
El-Fadel M, Bou-Zeid E. 2001. Economic valuation of greenhouse gas emissions reduction. International Journal of Environmental Studies. 58:459–486. doi:10.1080/00207230108711344. Referenced from Economic valuation of greenhouse gas emissions reduction.
El-Fadel M, Bou-Zeid E, Chahine W. 2002. Long term simulations of leachate generation and transport from solid waste disposal at a former quarry site. Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management. 28:60–70.
Bou-Zeid E, El-Fadel M. 2002. Climate change and water resources in Lebanon and the Middle East. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 128:343–355. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9496(2002)128:5(343). Referenced from Climate change and water resources in Lebanon and the Middle East.
El-Fadel M, Bou-Zeid E, Chahine W, Alayli B. 2002. Temporal variation of leachate quality from pre-sorted and baled municipal solid waste with high organic and moisture content. Waste Management. 22:269–282. doi:10.1016/S0956-053X(01)00040-X. Referenced from Temporal variation of leachate quality from pre-sorted and baled municipal solid waste with high organic and moisture content.
El-Fadel M, Bou-Zeid E, Chahine W. 2003. Landfill evolution and treatability assessment of high-strength leachate from MSW with high organic and moisture content. International Journal of Environmental Studies. 60:603–615. doi:10.1080/0020723032000069187. Referenced from Landfill evolution and treatability assessment of high-strength leachate from MSW with high organic and moisture content.
Bou-Zeid E, El-Fadel M. 2004. Parametric sensitivity analysis of leachate transport simulations at landfills. Waste Management. 24:681–689. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2004.03.004. Referenced from Parametric sensitivity analysis of leachate transport simulations at landfills.
Bou-Zeid E, Meneveau C, Parlange M. 2004. Large-eddy simulation of neutral atmospheric boundary layer flow over heterogeneous surfaces: Blending height and effective surface roughness. Water Resources Research. 40:W025051–W02505118. doi:10.1029/2003WR002475. Referenced from Large-eddy simulation of neutral atmospheric boundary layer flow over heterogeneous surfaces: Blending height and effective surface roughness.
Bou-Zeid E, Meneveau C, Parlange M. 2005. A scale-dependent Lagrangian dynamic model for large eddy simulation of complex turbulent flows. Physics of Fluids. 17:1–18. doi:10.1063/1.1839152. Referenced from A scale-dependent Lagrangian dynamic model for large eddy simulation of complex turbulent flows.
Bou-Zeid E, Parlange M, Meneveau C. 2007. On the parameterization of surface roughness at regional scales. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 64:216–227. doi:10.1175/JAS3826.1. Referenced from On the parameterization of surface roughness at regional scales.
Assouline S, Tyler S, Tanny J, Cohen S, Bou-Zeid E, Parlange M, Katul G. 2008. Evaporation from three water bodies of different sizes and climates: Measurements and scaling analysis. Advances in Water Resources. 31:160–172. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2007.07.003. Referenced from Evaporation from three water bodies of different sizes and climates: Measurements and scaling analysis.
Vercauteren N, Bou-Zeid E, Parlange M, Lemmin U, Huwald H, Selker J, Meneveau C. 2008. Subgrid-Scale dynamics of water vapour, heat, and momentum over a lake. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 128:205–228. doi:10.1007/s10546-008-9287-9. Referenced from Subgrid-Scale dynamics of water vapour, heat, and momentum over a lake.
Bou-Zeid E, Vercauteren N, Parlange M, Meneveau C. 2008. Scale dependence of subgrid-scale model coefficients: An a priori study. Physics of Fluids. 20. doi:10.1063/1.2992192. Referenced from Scale dependence of subgrid-scale model coefficients: An a priori study.
Vercauteren N, Bou-Zeid E, Huwald H, Parlange M, Brutsaert W. 2009. Estimation of wet surface evaporation from sensible heat flux measurements. Water Resources Research. 45. doi:10.1029/2008WR007544. Referenced from Estimation of wet surface evaporation from sensible heat flux measurements.
Nadeau D, Brutsaert W, Parlange M, Bou-Zeid E, Barrenetxea G, Couach O, Boldi M-O, Selker J, Vetterli M. 2009. Estimation of urban sensible heat flux using a dense wireless network of observations. Environmental Fluid Mechanics. 9:635–653. doi:10.1007/s10652-009-9150-7. Referenced from Estimation of urban sensible heat flux using a dense wireless network of observations.
Bou-Zeid E, Overney J, Rogers B, Parlange M. 2009. The effects of building representation and clustering in large-eddy simulations of flows in urban canopies. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 132:415–436. doi:10.1007/s10546-009-9410-6. Referenced from The effects of building representation and clustering in large-eddy simulations of flows in urban canopies.
Huwald H, Higgins C, Boldi M-O, Bou-Zeid E, Lehning M, Parlange M. 2009. Albedo effect on radiative errors in air temperature measurements. Water Resources Research. 45. doi:10.1029/2008WR007600. Referenced from Albedo effect on radiative errors in air temperature measurements.
Bou-Zeid E, Higgins C, Huwald H, Meneveau C, Parlange M. 2010. Field study of the dynamics and modelling of subgrid-scale turbulence in a stable atmospheric surface layer over a glacier. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 665:480–515. doi:10.1017/S0022112010004015. Referenced from Field study of the dynamics and modelling of subgrid-scale turbulence in a stable atmospheric surface layer over a glacier.
Wang Z-H, Bou-Zeid E, Smith J. 2011. A Spatially-Analytical Scheme for Surface Temperatures and Conductive Heat Fluxes in Urban Canopy Models. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 138:171–193. doi:10.1007/s10546-010-9552-6. Referenced from A Spatially-Analytical Scheme for Surface Temperatures and Conductive Heat Fluxes in Urban Canopy Models.
Vercauteren N, Huwald H, Bou-Zeid E, Selker J, Lemmin U, Parlange M, Lunati I. 2011. Evolution of superficial lake water temperature profile under diurnal radiative forcing. Water Resources Research. 47. doi:10.1029/2011WR010529. Referenced from Evolution of superficial lake water temperature profile under diurnal radiative forcing.
Wang Z-H, Bou-Zeid E. 2011. Comment on "impact of wave phase difference between soil surface heat flux and soil surface temperature on soil surface energy balance closure" by Z. Gao, R. Horton, and H. P. Liu. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 116. doi:10.1029/2010JD015365. Referenced from Comment on "impact of wave phase difference between soil surface heat flux and soil surface temperature on soil surface energy balance closure" by Z. Gao, R. Horton, and H. P. Liu.
Li D, Bou-Zeid E. 2011. Coherent structures and the dissimilarity of turbulent transport of momentum and scalars in the unstable Atmospheric surface layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 140:243–262. doi:10.1007/s10546-011-9613-5. Referenced from Coherent structures and the dissimilarity of turbulent transport of momentum and scalars in the unstable Atmospheric surface layer.
Wang Z-H, Bou-Zeid E, Au S, Smith J. 2011. Analyzing the sensitivity of WRF s single-layer urban canopy model to parameter uncertainty using advanced Monte Carlo simulation. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 50:1795–1814. doi:10.1175/2011JAMC2685.1. Referenced from Analyzing the sensitivity of WRF s single-layer urban canopy model to parameter uncertainty using advanced Monte Carlo simulation.
Kirkil G, Mirocha J, Bou-Zeid E, Chow F, Kosović B. 2012. Implementation and evaluation of dynamic subfilter-scale stress models for large-eddy simulation using WRF. Monthly Weather Review. 140:266–284. doi:10.1175/MWR-D-11-00037.1. Referenced from Implementation and evaluation of dynamic subfilter-scale stress models for large-eddy simulation using WRF.
Talbot C, Bou-Zeid E, Smith J. 2012. Nested mesoscale large-eddy simulations with WRF: Performance in real test cases. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 13:1421–1441. doi:10.1175/JHM-D-11-048.1. Referenced from Nested mesoscale large-eddy simulations with WRF: Performance in real test cases.
Li D, Bou-Zeid E, de Bruin H. 2012. Monin-Obukhov Similarity Functions for the Structure Parameters of Temperature and Humidity. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 145:45–67. doi:10.1007/s10546-011-9660-y. Referenced from Monin-Obukhov Similarity Functions for the Structure Parameters of Temperature and Humidity.
Wang Z-H, Bou-Zeid E. 2012. A novel approach for the estimation of soil ground heat flux. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 154-155:214. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2011.12.001. Referenced from A novel approach for the estimation of soil ground heat flux.
Myhrvold C, Stone H, Bou-Zeid E. 2012. What Is the Use of Elephant Hair?. PLoS ONE. 7. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0047018. Referenced from What Is the Use of Elephant Hair?.
Li D, Katul G, Bou-Zeid E. 2012. Mean velocity and temperature profiles in a sheared diabatic turbulent boundary layer. Physics of Fluids. 24. doi:10.1063/1.4757660. Referenced from Mean velocity and temperature profiles in a sheared diabatic turbulent boundary layer.
Huang J, Bou-Zeid E. 2013. Turbulence and vertical fluxes in the stable atmospheric boundary layer. Part I: A large-eddy simulation study. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 70:1513–1527. doi:10.1175/JAS-D-12-0167.1. Referenced from Turbulence and vertical fluxes in the stable atmospheric boundary layer. Part I: A large-eddy simulation study.
Li D, Bou-Zeid E. 2013. Synergistic interactions between urban heat islands and heat waves: The impact in cities is larger than the sum of its parts. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 52:2051–2064. doi:10.1175/JAMC-D-13-02.1. Referenced from Synergistic interactions between urban heat islands and heat waves: The impact in cities is larger than the sum of its parts.
Li D, Bou-Zeid E, Barlage M, Chen F, Smith J. 2013. Development and evaluation of a mosaic approach in the WRF-Noah framework. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 118:11,918–. doi:10.1002/2013JD020657. Referenced from Development and evaluation of a mosaic approach in the WRF-Noah framework.
Sun T, Bou-Zeid E, Wang Z-H, Zerba E, Ni G-H. 2013. Hydrometeorological determinants of green roof performance via a vertically-resolved model for heat and water transport. Building and Environment. 60:211–224. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2012.10.018. Referenced from Hydrometeorological determinants of green roof performance via a vertically-resolved model for heat and water transport.
Huang J, Bou-Zeid E, Golaz J-C. 2013. Turbulence and vertical fluxes in the stable atmospheric boundary layer. Part II: A novel mixing-length model. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 70:1528–1542. doi:10.1175/JAS-D-12-0168.1. Referenced from Turbulence and vertical fluxes in the stable atmospheric boundary layer. Part II: A novel mixing-length model.
Wang Z-H, Bou-Zeid E, Smith J. 2013. A coupled energy transport and hydrological model for urban canopies evaluated using a wireless sensor network. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 139:1643–1657. doi:10.1002/qj.2032. Referenced from A coupled energy transport and hydrological model for urban canopies evaluated using a wireless sensor network.
Katul G, Li D, Chameki M, Bou-Zeid E. 2013. Mean scalar concentration profile in a sheared and thermally stratified atmospheric surface layer. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 87. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.87.023004. Referenced from Mean scalar concentration profile in a sheared and thermally stratified atmospheric surface layer.
Mirocha J, Kirkil G, Bou-Zeid E, Chow F, Kosović B. 2013. Transition and equilibration of neutral atmospheric boundary layer flow in one-way nested large-eddy simulations using the weather research and forecasting model. Monthly Weather Review. 141:918–940. doi:10.1175/MWR-D-11-00263.1. Referenced from Transition and equilibration of neutral atmospheric boundary layer flow in one-way nested large-eddy simulations using the weather research and forecasting model.
Katul G, Li D, Chamecki M, Bou-Zeid E. 2013. Erratum: Mean scalar concentration profile in a sheared and thermally stratified atmospheric surface layer (Physical Review E (2013) 87 (023004) DOI:10.1103/PhysRevE.87.023004). Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 87. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.87.039903. Referenced from Erratum: Mean scalar concentration profile in a sheared and thermally stratified atmospheric surface layer (Physical Review E (2013) 87 (023004) DOI:10.1103/PhysRevE.87.023004).