For Princeton Undergraduate Senior Theses Advised by Professor Bou-Zeid, click here
178 Publications
Gerges F, Boufadel MC, Bou-Zeid E, Nassif H, Wang JTL. 2024. Downscaling daily wind speed with Bayesian deep learning for climate monitoring. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics. 17:411 – 424. doi:10.1007/s41060-023-00397-6. Referenced from Downscaling daily wind speed with Bayesian deep learning for climate monitoring.
Zahn E, Bou-Zeid E. 2024. Observational partitioning of water and CO2 fluxes at National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) sites: A 5-year dataset of soil and plant components for spatial and temporal analysis. Earth System Science Data. 16:5603 – 5624. doi:10.5194/essd-16-5603-2024. Referenced from Observational partitioning of water and CO2 fluxes at National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) sites: A 5-year dataset of soil and plant components for spatial and temporal analysis.
Katul G, Bragg A, Mammarella I, Liu H, Li Q, Bou-Zeid E. 2024. Gas Transfer Across Air-Water Interfaces in Inland Waters: From Micro-Eddies to Super-Statistics. Water Resources Research. 60. doi:10.1029/2023WR036615. Referenced from Gas Transfer Across Air-Water Interfaces in Inland Waters: From Micro-Eddies to Super-Statistics.
Cureau RJ, Bou-Zeid E, Pigliautile I, Pisello AL. 2024. Crowdsourced data as a strategic approach to include the human dimension in outdoor environmental quality assessments. Science of the Total Environment. 953. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.175925. Referenced from Crowdsourced data as a strategic approach to include the human dimension in outdoor environmental quality assessments.
Banerjee T, Katul G, Zahn E, Dias N, Bou-Zeid E. 2024. A Single Compartment Relaxed Eddy Accumulation Method. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 129. doi:10.1029/2024JD040811. Referenced from A Single Compartment Relaxed Eddy Accumulation Method.
Gerges F, Llaguno-Munitxa M, Zondlo MA, Boufadel MC, Bou-Zeid E. 2024. Weather and the City: Machine Learning for Predicting and Attributing Fine Scale Air Quality to Meteorological and Urban Determinants. Environmental Science & Technology. 58:6313–6325. doi:10.1021/acs.est.4c00783. Referenced from Weather and the City: Machine Learning for Predicting and Attributing Fine Scale Air Quality to Meteorological and Urban Determinants.
Li D, Wang L, Liao W, Sun T, Katul G, Bou-Zeid E, Maronga B. 2024. Persistent urban heat. Science Advances. 10:eadj7398. doi:10.1126/sciadv.adj7398. Referenced from Persistent urban heat.
Chiatti C, Fabiani C, Huang X, Bou-Zeid E, Pisello A. 2024. Exploring the potential of phosphorescence for mitigating urban overheating: First time representation in an Urban Canopy Model. Applied Energy. 362:122984. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2024.122984. Referenced from Exploring the potential of phosphorescence for mitigating urban overheating: First time representation in an Urban Canopy Model.
Allouche M, Sevostianov V, Zahn E, Zondlo M, Dias N, Katul G, Fuentes J, Bou-Zeid E. 2024. Estimating scalar turbulent fluxes with slow response sensors in the stable atmospheric boundary layer. arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.11756. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2401.11756. Referenced from Estimating scalar turbulent fluxes with slow response sensors in the stable atmospheric boundary layer.
Zahn E, Ghannam K, Chamecki M, Moene A, Kustas W, Good S, Bou-Zeid E. 2024. Numerical Investigation of Observational Flux Partitioning Methods for Water Vapor and Carbon Dioxide. Authorea Preprints. doi:10.22541/essoar.170716371.17109325/v1. Referenced from Numerical Investigation of Observational Flux Partitioning Methods for Water Vapor and Carbon Dioxide.
Fogarty J, Bou-Zeid E, Bushuk M, Boisvert L. 2024. How Many Parameters are Needed to Represent Polar Sea Ice Surface Patterns and Heterogeneity?. EGUsphere. 2024:1–28. doi:10.5194/egusphere-2024-532. Referenced from How Many Parameters are Needed to Represent Polar Sea Ice Surface Patterns and Heterogeneity?.
Huang X, Bou-Zeid E, Pigliautile I, Pisello A, Mandal J. 2024. Optimizing retro-reflective surfaces to untrap radiation and cool cities. Nature Cities. 1:1–11. doi:10.1038/s44284-024-00047-3. Referenced from Optimizing retro-reflective surfaces to untrap radiation and cool cities.
Lipson M, Grimmond S, Best M, Abramowitz G, Coutts A, Tapper N, Baik J-J, Beyers M, Blunn L, Boussetta S, et al. 2024. Evaluation of 30 urban land surface models in the Urban-PLUMBER project: Phase 1 results. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 150:126–169. doi:10.1002/qj.4589. Referenced from Evaluation of 30 urban land surface models in the Urban-PLUMBER project: Phase 1 results.
Gerges F, Boufadel M, Bou-Zeid E, Nassif H, Wang J. 2024. Long-term prediction of daily solar irradiance using Bayesian deep learning and climate simulation data. Knowledge and Information Systems. 66:613–633. doi:10.1007/s10115-023-01955-x. Referenced from Long-term prediction of daily solar irradiance using Bayesian deep learning and climate simulation data.
Zahn E, Bou-Zeid E. 2024. Setting Up a Large-Eddy Simulation to Focus on the Atmospheric Surface Layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 190. doi:10.1007/s10546-023-00841-x. Referenced from Setting Up a Large-Eddy Simulation to Focus on the Atmospheric Surface Layer.
El-Samra R, Haddad A, Alameddine I, Bou-Zeid E, El-Fadel M. 2024. Downscaling Climatic Variables at a River Basin Scale: Statistical Validation and Ensemble Projection under Climate Change Scenarios. Climate. 12. doi:10.3390/cli12020027. Referenced from Downscaling Climatic Variables at a River Basin Scale: Statistical Validation and Ensemble Projection under Climate Change Scenarios.
Stein-Montalvo L, Ding L, Hultmark M, Adriaenssens S, Bou-Zeid E. 2024. Kirigami-inspired wind steering for natural ventilation. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 246. doi:10.1016/j.jweia.2024.105667. Referenced from Kirigami-inspired wind steering for natural ventilation.
Chiatti C, Fabiani C, Bou-Zeid E, Pisello A. 2024. Evaluating the potential of persistent luminescence in counteracting urban overheating. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 2685. Institute of Physics. Referenced from Evaluating the potential of persistent luminescence in counteracting urban overheating.
Huang WTK, Masselot P, Bou-Zeid E, Fatichi S, Paschalis A, Sun T, Gasparrini A, Manoli G. 2023. Economic valuation of temperature-related mortality attributed to urban heat islands in European cities. Nature Communications. 14. doi:10.1038/s41467-023-43135-z. Referenced from Economic valuation of temperature-related mortality attributed to urban heat islands in European cities.
Shapiro A, Anderson W, Mironov D, Bou-Zeid E, Grachev A. 2023. Celebrating the Career of Evgeni Fedorovich: Explorer of the Boundary-Layer Realm and Ambassador for the Community. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 189:1–3. doi:10.1007/s10546-023-00828-8. Referenced from Celebrating the Career of Evgeni Fedorovich: Explorer of the Boundary-Layer Realm and Ambassador for the Community.
Llaguno-Munitxa M, Bou-Zeid E. 2023. Role of vehicular emissions in urban air quality: The COVID-19 lockdown experiment. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 115. doi:10.1016/j.trd.2022.103580. Referenced from Role of vehicular emissions in urban air quality: The COVID-19 lockdown experiment.
Zahn E, Bou-Zeid E, Dias N. 2023. Relaxed Eddy Accumulation Outperforms Monin-Obukhov Flux Models Under Non-Ideal Conditions. Geophysical Research Letters. 50. doi:10.1029/2023GL103099. Referenced from Relaxed Eddy Accumulation Outperforms Monin-Obukhov Flux Models Under Non-Ideal Conditions.
Gerges F, Assaad R, Nassif H, Bou-Zeid E, Boufadel M. 2023. A perspective on quantifying resilience: Combining community and infrastructure capitals. Science of the Total Environment. 859. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160187. Referenced from A perspective on quantifying resilience: Combining community and infrastructure capitals.
Allouche M, Bou-Zeid E, Iipponen J. 2023. The influence of synoptic wind on land–sea breezes. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 149:3198–3219. doi:10.1002/qj.4552. Referenced from The influence of synoptic wind on land–sea breezes.
Huang W, Masselot P, Bou-Zeid E, Fatichi S, Paschalis A, Sun T, Gasparrini A, Manoli G. 2023. Economic valuation of temperature-related mortality attributed to urban heat islands in European cities. Nature Communications. 14. doi:10.1038/s41467-023-43135-z. Referenced from Economic valuation of temperature-related mortality attributed to urban heat islands in European cities.
Gerges F, Boufadel M, Bou-Zeid E, Darekar A, Nassif H, Wang J. 2023. Bayesian Multi-head Convolutional Neural Networks with Bahdanau Attention for Forecasting Daily Precipitation in Climate Change Monitoring. Vol. 13717 LNAI. pp. 565–580. Referenced from Bayesian Multi-head Convolutional Neural Networks with Bahdanau Attention for Forecasting Daily Precipitation in Climate Change Monitoring.
Gerges F, Boufadel M, Bou-Zeid E, Nassif H, Wang J. 2023. Deep Learning-Enabled Prediction of Daily Solar Irradiance from Simulated Climate Data. pp. 102–109. Referenced from Deep Learning-Enabled Prediction of Daily Solar Irradiance from Simulated Climate Data.
Gerges F, Boufadel M, Bou-Zeid E, Nassif H, Wang J. 2023. Downscaling daily wind speed with Bayesian deep learning for climate monitoring. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics. doi:10.1007/s41060-023-00397-6. Referenced from Downscaling daily wind speed with Bayesian deep learning for climate monitoring.
Fogarty J, Bou-Zeid E. 2023. The Atmospheric Boundary Layer Above the Marginal Ice Zone: Scaling, Surface Fluxes, and Secondary Circulations. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 189:53–76. doi:10.1007/s10546-023-00825-x. Referenced from The Atmospheric Boundary Layer Above the Marginal Ice Zone: Scaling, Surface Fluxes, and Secondary Circulations.
Kustas W, Nieto H, García-Tejera O, Bambach N, McElrone A, Gao F, Alfieri J, Hipps L, Prueger J, Torres-Rua A, et al. 2022. Impact of advection on two-source energy balance (TSEB) canopy transpiration parameterization for vineyards in the California Central Valley. Irrigation Science. 40:575–591. doi:10.1007/s00271-022-00778-y. Referenced from Impact of advection on two-source energy balance (TSEB) canopy transpiration parameterization for vineyards in the California Central Valley.
Gerges F, Boufadel M, Bou-Zeid E, Nassif H, Wang J. 2022. A Novel Bayesian Deep Learning Approach to the Downscaling of Wind Speed with Uncertainty Quantification. Vol. 13282 LNAI. pp. 55–66. Referenced from A Novel Bayesian Deep Learning Approach to the Downscaling of Wind Speed with Uncertainty Quantification.
Burchard-Levine V, Nieto H, Kustas W, Gao F, Alfieri J, Prueger J, Hipps L, Bambach-Ortiz N, McElrone A, Castro S, et al. 2022. Application of a remote-sensing three-source energy balance model to improve evapotranspiration partitioning in vineyards. Irrigation Science. 40:593–608. doi:10.1007/s00271-022-00787-x. Referenced from Application of a remote-sensing three-source energy balance model to improve evapotranspiration partitioning in vineyards.
Nieto H, Alsina M, Kustas W, García-Tejera O, Chen F, Bambach N, Gao F, Alfieri J, Hipps L, Prueger J, et al. 2022. Evaluating different metrics from the thermal-based two-source energy balance model for monitoring grapevine water stress. Irrigation Science. 40:697–713. doi:10.1007/s00271-022-00790-2. Referenced from Evaluating different metrics from the thermal-based two-source energy balance model for monitoring grapevine water stress.
Allouche M, Bou-Zeid E, Ansorge C, Katul G, Chamecki M, Acevedo O, Thanekar S, Fuentes J. 2022. The Detection, Genesis, and Modeling of Turbulence Intermittency in the Stable Atmospheric Surface Layer. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 79:1171–1190. doi:10.1175/JAS-D-21-0053.1. Referenced from The Detection, Genesis, and Modeling of Turbulence Intermittency in the Stable Atmospheric Surface Layer.
Gerges F, Boufadel M, Bou-Zeid E, Nassif H, Wang J. 2022. A Novel Deep Learning Approach to the Statistical Downscaling of Temperatures for Monitoring Climate Change. pp. 1–7. Referenced from A Novel Deep Learning Approach to the Statistical Downscaling of Temperatures for Monitoring Climate Change.
Zahn E, Bou-Zeid E, Good S, Katul G, Thomas C, Ghannam K, Smith J, Chamecki M, Dias N, Fuentes J, et al. 2022. Direct partitioning of eddy-covariance water and carbon dioxide fluxes into ground and plant components. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 315. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108790. Referenced from Direct partitioning of eddy-covariance water and carbon dioxide fluxes into ground and plant components.
Ghannam K, Bou-Zeid E. 2021. Baroclinicity and directional shear explain departures from the logarithmic wind profile. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 147:443–464. doi:10.1002/qj.3927. Referenced from Baroclinicity and directional shear explain departures from the logarithmic wind profile.
Choi B, Pozzi M, Bergés M, Bou-Zeid E. 2021. Developing time-variant filter for meso-scale surface temperature prediction. pp. 59–65.
Geng X, Gerges F, Katul G, Bou-Zeid E, Nassif H, Boufadel M. 2021. Population agglomeration is a harbinger of the spatial complexity of COVID-19. Chemical Engineering Journal. 420. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2020.127702. Referenced from Population agglomeration is a harbinger of the spatial complexity of COVID-19.
González J, Ramamurthy P, Bornstein R, Chen F, Bou-Zeid E, Ghandehari M, Luvall J, Mitra C, Niyogi D. 2021. Urban climate and resiliency: A synthesis report of state of the art and future research directions. Urban Climate. 38. doi:10.1016/j.uclim.2021.100858. Referenced from Urban climate and resiliency: A synthesis report of state of the art and future research directions.
Geng X, Katul G, Gerges F, Bou-Zeid E, Nassif H, Boufadel M. 2021. A kernel-modulated SIR model for Covid-19 contagious spread from county to continent. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118. doi:10.1073/pnas.2023321118. Referenced from A kernel-modulated SIR model for Covid-19 contagious spread from county to continent.
Talebpour M, Welty C, Bou-Zeid E. 2021. Development and testing of a fully-coupled subsurface-land surface-atmosphere hydrometeorological model: High-resolution application in urban terrains. Urban Climate. 40. doi:10.1016/j.uclim.2021.100985. Referenced from Development and testing of a fully-coupled subsurface-land surface-atmosphere hydrometeorological model: High-resolution application in urban terrains.
Gideon R, Bou-Zeid E. 2021. Collocating offshore wind and wave generators to reduce power output variability: A Multi-site analysis. Renewable Energy. 163:1548–1559. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2020.09.047. Referenced from Collocating offshore wind and wave generators to reduce power output variability: A Multi-site analysis.
Zhao L, Oleson K, Bou-Zeid E, Krayenhoff E, Bray A, Zhu Q, Zheng Z, Chen C, Oppenheimer M. 2021. Global multi-model projections of local urban climates. Nature Climate Change. 11:152–157. doi:10.1038/s41558-020-00958-8. Referenced from Global multi-model projections of local urban climates.
Choi B, Bergés M, Bou-Zeid E, Pozzi M. 2021. Short-term probabilistic forecasting of meso-scale near-surface urban temperature fields. Environmental Modelling and Software. 145. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2021.105189. Referenced from Short-term probabilistic forecasting of meso-scale near-surface urban temperature fields.
Zahn E, Welty C, Smith J, Kemp S, Baeck M-L, Bou-Zeid E. 2021. The Hydrological Urban Heat Island: Determinants of Acute and Chronic Heat Stress in Urban Streams. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 57:941–955. doi:10.1111/1752-1688.12963. Referenced from The Hydrological Urban Heat Island: Determinants of Acute and Chronic Heat Stress in Urban Streams.
Allouche M, Katul G, Fuentes J, Bou-Zeid E. 2021. Probability law of turbulent kinetic energy in the atmospheric surface layer. Physical Review Fluids. 6. doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.6.074601. Referenced from Probability law of turbulent kinetic energy in the atmospheric surface layer.
Mahrt L, Bou-Zeid E. 2020. Non-stationary Boundary Layers. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 177:189–204. doi:10.1007/s10546-020-00533-w. Referenced from Non-stationary Boundary Layers.
Manoli G, Fatichi S, Bou-Zeid E, Katul G. 2020. Seasonal hysteresis of surface urban heat islands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 117:7082–7089. doi:10.1073/pnas.1917554117. Referenced from Seasonal hysteresis of surface urban heat islands.
Li Q, Bou-Zeid E, Grimmond S, Zilitinkevich S, Katul G. 2020. Revisiting the relation between momentum and scalar roughness lengths of urban surfaces. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 146:3144–3164. doi:10.1002/qj.3839. Referenced from Revisiting the relation between momentum and scalar roughness lengths of urban surfaces.